Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kyler pushing Ilya on her truck (9 months)

Ilya and her cousin Riley (Greg and his wife Kyley Martin's son) playing (9 months).

Ilya training for basketball! (9 months).


  1. Love the basketball training..never too young! I see you're figuring some of this blog stuff out it's not to bad once you figure it out! I made my page w/a digital scrapbooking kit...did you make that page you have as your header?

  2. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I was just playing around! I looked at your site and then went to the widdlytinks website and played around. I still need lots of help! haha

  3. i dont know that I've been to that site..well whatever you're doing it looks cute!!
