Monday, March 8, 2010

Ilya playing with in the recycle bins. She loves to pull the water bottles out and throw them on the floor. We will have to have a talk about littering!

Ilya and Sean's instruments. (9 months)

Ilya standing all by her self! We started standing up unassisted just this past Tuesday (3/2/10). I am trying hard to get a video of it!

Ilya playing with her baby doll. She likes to give her kisses. (9 months)

Ilya watching Pa! (9 months)

Ilya and Kyler looking at Pa with the horse. (9 months)

Ilya and Kyler wathching Pa through the window. (9 months)

Ilya in the tub at Nani's (9 months)

Ilya and Kyler in the tub at Nani's (9 months). Ilya has a little eczema where her pacifier sits on her mouth.

Another pic of Ilya and Kyler in the tub. They had a blast together!

Ilya being cute! (9 months)

Ilya feeding herself (9 months).

This is funny. I had noticed that the humidifier would be turned up one minute and then turned down the next and I just figured Sean was messing with it when he was in there. Come to find out Ilya was the one messing with it the whole time. Here she is caught in the act! She loves to turn the knob! (9 months)
My angel (9 months)

Ilya at the gin office getting into the candy jar. Don't worry she didn't actually eat any, the wrapper is still on - I don't want her to have any sweets until way down the line. You have to admit that it does make a cute picture! (9 months)

Ilya and Daysea (9 months) I love this picture because it is like they are both giving the same face! It is so cute!

Ilya and the frog towel! A gift from Grandma Mary Ruth (O'ma Roo). (9 months)

Ilya and Grandma Mary Ruth (O'ma Roo) when they came and visited in February. (9 months)
Ilya and Grandpa Mark (O'pa) when they came and visited in February. (9 months)

Ilya and Gradpa and Grandma (O'pa and O'ma Roo) taken from their visit in February. (9 months)

This is Ilya dancing to the Jazz music. This video was taken by Mary Ruth. (9 months)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I didn't mean to delete my comment....I was trying to edit it. I'll try again.

    Kasity, your update really cheered me up today!

    I am so glad that Ilya has her cousins living so close by. They are going to have so much fun growing up together.

    I love seeing the picture of Ilya standing up by herself. Another milestone!!

    Every day is a gift.

  3. She is precious Kasity!! My boys both have eczema, I hate it!! Briley gets it in that same spot as Ilya...right now he has impetigo because of the eczema, it's not fun! Love the video she's jamming!!

  4. Oh wow you got some great pics! I love the video Ilya is a baby that has the beat.
    She is so precious.
