What a week! Did you know that Ilya is now NINE MONTHS OLD?! I know...it is hard to believe! Seans parents came down for a visit this weekend and much fun (and pictures and videos) was had.
Yesterday Ilya had her nine month check-up. We woke up to snow and school was delayed until 10:00a.m. Sean made an egg (yolk only) for Ilya. She loved it! Since there was so much snow my dad picked Ilya and me up and took us to her doctor appointment and of course we ate at his favorite sandwich spot in Lubbock.
I was going to give the complete run down from the doctor appointment but I have lost the papers! Of course...it sounds just like me! I would lose my head if it wasn't attached! So from my memory: Ilya weighted about 17 pounds and was in the 25% for weight. She was about 28in. long and in the 95% for height, and her head was 17in. in circumference which put her in the 45% for her head size. I wonder if they mixed up the percentile for the weight and head because every time we have been in the past she is usually about 45% for weight and 15-25% for head size. I don't know! In other words she is a growing girl and the doctor said that she looks great!
Her eczema is really bad right now and the doctor said that she is working on inventing something for babies with eczema so she would put Ilya on the list as an "experiment rat" haha! Last night Ilya cried and cried as I pulled her out of the tub and began to put the lotion on her. I talked to her and soothed her and told her I was sorry she inherited my skin. But the good thing is that I know just how to treat and take care of it since I have had it bad all my life.
Ilya also had the worst diaper rash yesterday and this morning. We have been lucky to not have to deal with that until now. Poor baby! It looked terrible last night but I doctored it real good and this morning it was on the road to recovery.
My heart swells with joy every time I look into her eyes. I just love her so much!
If you didn't know, Ilya is eating table food now and I am still making homemade baby food. I highly recommend making your own from the beginning! It saves so much money and isn't as hard as you might think. Ilya's favorites have been sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Yum! She also LOVES macaroni (the veggie mac) and cheese (real cheese), black-eyed peas, brussel sprouts, chicken and pork. So far she loves to eat anything you put in front of her. She can also feed herself, well sort of...I have to put the food on the spoon for her and then she puts the spoon in her mouth by herself. We have been given the go ahead to now give her pancakes! I am so excited. About the only thing we cannot give her is real honey, peanuts or peanut butter, and egg whites.
Ilya just woke up from her nap so pictures will come later.
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago