Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ilya is growing more and more every day. I feel like every time I look like her she changes. On Monday she will be 2 weeks old! We had our first outing on Friday...we went to OHanas (a Japanese steakhouse). Sean and I have gone every year on the last day of school to celebrate the completion of another year.
Today we finally went to church as a family. I wanted to go last Sunday but due to the jaundice we were unable to take her off the light. It was wonderful holding her in my arms and sitting next to Sean. We were late because I was desperately trying to feed her before we went so that she wouldn't get hungry during the service but she flat out refused to eat and slept through the entire thing. She is more about schedules than I am! If you try to do things early she wants nothing to do with it. I must have somehow taught her that in the womb, along with her cute scowl! These last 2 weeks have been up and down roller coaster at times but I wouldn't change anything! She is my angel.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving all the pictures and everything you write! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing.

    G'ma Roo (and G'pa,too) missing seeing and holding sweet little Ilya.... but we'll be moving closer SOON!
